Deceased, 8 Years Old


+1 Strength, +1 Health, -1 Stamina, -1 Speed

Founders 21M, Kk


Alive, 8 Years Old


+1 Strength, +2 Speed, -1 Stamina, -2 Health

870F kk, ★★★☆

Stratus 98M, like the rest of his siblings, dispersed after Pyxis left for Amethyst Mountain, but unlike them, returned to Lost River, where he took it upon himself to continue the legacy of the Compass Pack. He went on to raise sixteen young wolves before he passed peacefully at eight years old, succeeded by his first daughter Gale, the only one from that first litter that didn't disperse.


Stratus began his journey as a dispersal at two years old, when he wandered further and from Lost River until he ended up in the unfamiliar Hellroaring Mountain. There, he spent some time, hunting and exploring, before making the journey back to more familiar lands. Back home, he met two Requiem dispersals, one of whom would become his mate, Nimbus.

+2 Cow Elk +3 Elk Calves

Year 3

Pups of the Year


102F, 2 Months, Killed by Coyotes

103F, 1 Months, Killed by Dogs


105F, 3 Months, Killed by Coyotes


116M, 1 Months, Killed by Coyotes

Having claimed the town and surroundings, Nimbus gives birth to a litter of seven in Allison Acres. The first time parents struggle through the realities of raising their own pack—juggling territory conflict and defending the den with feeding seven hungry mouths. +2 Cow Elk, +1 Hare
103F killed by dogs
116M killed by coyotes

+2 Cow Elk, +1 Elk Calf, +1 Newborn Elk, +1 Newborn Mule Deer, +3 Hares
102F startled out of the grass and killed by coyotes
105F startled out of the grass and killed by coyotes
x1 Broken Jaw (Stratus)

Starving Season
+2 Cow Elk, +1 Hare
- 1 Lost River yearling killed
x1 Broken Jaw (Nimbus)

Only three pups live to leave the rendezvous site and learn how to hunt.
+1 Cow Elk, +1 Elk Calf
+1 Lucky skirmish won, +1 Lost River skirmish won
- 1 Lost River subordinate killed

+2 Cow Elk, +4 Elk Calves
-1 Van Winkle skirmish lost—Nimbus, pups nearly killed
+1 Lost River skirmish won, 1 Lost River subordinate killed
-1 Van Winkle skirmish lost
+1 Van Winkle skirmish won, 1 Van Winkle yearling killed
+1 Van Winkle skirmish won, 1 Van Winkle yearling killed

Gale 101F, Bolt 104F, and Gust 115M learn how to hunt and earn their names.

Year 4

Pups of the Year

106F, 5 Months, Sick

107F, 3 Months, Sick


109F, Runt


117M, 9 Months, Killed by Elk

118M, 5 Months, Sick


Gale 101F bold/social/energetic

Bolt 104F cautious/loner/energetic

Gust 115M cautious/loner/energetic

Going into the next year, Stratus and Nimbus have to juggle taking care of their newest litter of seven with parenting their yearlings.
+2 Cow Elk (Bolt, Gale, Gust, Nimbus and Stratus)
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Bolt, Gust and Stratus), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Gale)

+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Bolt, Gust, Nimbus and Stratus), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Gale)
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Bolt, Nimbus and Stratus), +1 Minor Leg Injury (Gale)
+1 Spike Elk (Nimbus and Stratus)
+2 Young Moose Calves, +1 Newborn Elk, +2 Elk Calves

Starving Season
September seems harder than it was last year. Struggling to keep up with the litters; bottomless stomachs, the pack starts to starve at multiple points, and the hunters get dearly hurt when they manage to find elk.
• 1 Lost River hex invasion won, +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Gust)
+1 Spike Elk (Gale, Bolt, Gust, and Stratus), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Bolt)
• 1 Lucky Den Attack
• 118M and 106F die from sickness
+2 Cow Elk (Bolt, Gust, Stratus)
+1 Young Moose Calf

• 1 Van Winkle skirmish won
• 117M bites a cougar
• 1 Lost River skirmish won, Lost River breeding female killed
• 1 Van Winkle skirmish won, Van Winkle breeding female killed, +2 Broken Legs (Gust and Bolt)

Vicious territorial disputes break out between Compass and the other packs until late winter, when Lost River's three other packs disappear, their members scattered to the wind.
• 1 Lucky skirmish won, 1 Lucky subordinate killed
• 1 Luck skirmish won
+1 Cow Elk (109F hits 11%)
• 1 Lost River skirmish won, 2 Lost River pups killed
• 1 Lost River skirmish won, 1 Lost River pup killed
• 117M is killed by an elk
+1 Cow Elk, +4 Elk Calves
+1 Mule Deer Doe, finishing the Young Hunters quest

Although four pups headed into Autumn and Winter to learn how to hunt, only three survived—Squall 108F, Zephyr 109F, and Mars 110F.



+1 Strength, +1 Health, -1 Stamina, -1 Speed

42F Cinderella, L1, S26, likes water



+1 Strength, +2 Speed, -1 Stamina, -2 Health

Small Dot, L1, least likely to join pack howl



+1 Strength, +2 Speed, -1 Stamina, -2 Health

926F Spitfire, last to reach 100% XP



+1 Stamina, +1 Speed, -1 Strength, -1 Health

White Cheeks, L2, S30, last to reach 100% XP



-1 Strength, -1 Stamina, -1 Speed, -1 Health

Founders 9F, L1, Runt, likes human objects



+1 Speed, -1 Stamina

Blackfire, prefers to pupsit, won't eat regurgitant when starving

Year 5

Pups of the Year


112F, 3 Months, Sick

113F, 1 Months, Sick


120M, Runt


Squall 108F cautious/loner/energetic

Zephyr 109F bold/social/energetic

Mars 110F cautious/social/lazy


Gale 101F bold/social/energetic

Bolt 104F cautious/loner/energetic

Gust 115M cautious/loner/energetic

Five pups are born in the ghost town den. Even while distracted with the birth of his third litter, Stratus can't shake the feeling that something is terribly wrong, a feeling that won't go away until new packs moved in to fill the vacancy. But they still don't know what happened to Lucky, Van Winkle and Lost River—was it sickness, simply pack conflict that ended badly, or a new and dangerous, unknown threat?
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Bolt, Mars, Nimbus and Stratus)
Gust, Gale, Zephyr, Bolt, Nimbus and Stratus chase a bear and her cubs off a carcass. +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Bolt)
+1 Cow Elk (Bolt, Squall, Zephyr, Gust and Stratus)
• Pack moves dens twice becuse of flooding
+1 Cow Elk (Zephyr, Mars and Stratus)
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Bolt, Gust, Nimbus and Stratus)
+1 Minor Jaw Injury chasing a cougar off a carcass (Squall)

• 1 Crazy Peak den attack, 1 Crazy Peak subordinate killed
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Zephyr, Nimbus and Stratus)
+1 Cow Elk (Bolt, Squall, Zephyr, Mars, Gust and Stratus)
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Bolt, Squall, Nimbus and Stratus)
+3 Newborn Elk, +1 Newborn Mule Deer, +1 Young Moose Calf

Starving Season
This month doesn’t only affect pups. Driven so far as to fight bears off kills, the rest of the pack grows lean and sharp in the desperate push to hunt and feed, and when there aren’t any leftovers at the rendezvous, Mars starts to starve.
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Squall, Gust, Nimbus and Stratus)
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Zephyr, Mars, Gust, Nimbus and Stratus)
• 1 Crazy Peak den attack
• 112F succumbs to sickness
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Squall, Zephyr, Gust, Nimbus and Stratus)
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Bolt, Squall, Gust, Nimbus and Stratus)

It's time for the pups to leave the rendezvous and learn how to hunt, this time with their older siblings along for the ride.
• 1 Beans skirmish won
+1 Spike Elk (119M bit during first observation!)
• 1 Beans skirmish won

Although the presence of other packs in Lost River is preferred to being utterly alone, Stratus has no qualms about throwing his weight around, and the Compass pack guns for the newly-established Beans' territory, ultimately leading to the pack disbanding. In bittersweet achievement, two of Stratus' two-year-old subordinates disperse.
• 1 Beans skirmish won, Beans breeding female killed
• 1 Beans skirmish won, Beans breeding male killed
• Gust disperses alone, the first of Stratus' children to do so
• Bolt is courted by Solace 5034M, and disperses with him, leaving Lost River
• The Coffee Pot pack moves in to fill the Beans' absence
• 1 Crazy Peak skirmish won, 120M nearly killed, 1 Crazy Peak pup killed

Three of this years' litter survive to be named, with 119M coming in first to reach 100% XP—Dusk 111F, Twilight 119M and Dawn 120M.

Year 6

Pups of the Year




117F, 1 Month, Sick

118F, Runt, 3 Months, Killed by Crazy Peak



Dusk 111F cautious/loner/energetic

Twilight 119M cautious/social/energetic

Dawn 120M bold/social/energetic


Gale 101F bold/social/energetic

Squall 108F cautious/loner/energetic

Zephyr 109F bold/social/energetic

Mars 110F cautious/social/lazy

After banking south-west and pushing out the Beans pack to steal their territory, the Compass pack dens under the carnival bridge in town, giving birth to 6 puppies.
+1 Cow Elk (Zephyr, Mars, Dusk and Stratus)
+1 Cow Elk (Zephyr, Mars, Dusk, and Stratus)
+1 Cow Elk (Squall, Mars, Dawn, Stratus)
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Dawn, Stratus)
• 1 Crazy Peak den attack won, breeding male killed
• The pack is forced to move because of flooding while 117F is sick, going to the den at Grant's Glen.
• Squall refuses to go hunting despite being at 45% food.
+1 Cow Elk (Zephyr, Dusk, Stratus)
117F succumbs to sickness, prompting the pack to move dens again. 121M, 116F and 115F bravely plunge into the stream! 114F and 118F, not so much.

The Compass pack gets their first glimpse of Gust, who dispersed last winter, as he faces off against three other dispersals. They'll continue to catch glimpses of him and his scent over the next few months as he hangs around.
+1 Minor Body Injury (Twilight, harassing sow grizzly)
+1 Cow Elk (Dusk, Twilight, Dawn, Nimbus, and Stratus)
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Squall, Mars, Dusk, Dawn, and Stratus), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Dusk)
+1 Cow Elk (Dusk, Mars, Twilight, Nimbus and Stratus)
• Stratus gets trampled by a cow moose while trying to kill her calf
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Mars, Zephyr, Nimbus and Stratus)
• Crazy Peak subordinate 5416M kills 118F
+1 Cow Elk (Zephyr, Twilight and Stratus)
• Dusk, Twilight, Dawn and Stratus chase a grizzly bear off a carcass
• 1 Failed Hunt on a Bull Elk (Gale, Dusk, Zephyr, Mars, Twilight, Dawn), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Dawn)
• 121M starts starving while 116F falls sick
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Squall, Zephyr, Dusk, Twilight, Dawn, Stratus and Nimbus)

Starving Season
In a demonstration of Stratus and Nimbus’ experience, the two months of rapid growth pass without a single moment of starvation, or death—the Compass pack can finally relax during this hard time, loafing at the rendezvous and hunting the many surrounding elk herds.
• 1 Crazy Peak den attack
+1 Spike Elk (Gale, Squall, Mars, Dusk, Twilight, Nimbus and Stratus)
• 116F recovers from sickness!
• 1 dog den attack
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Mars, Zephyr, Dusk, Dawn, Nimbus and Stratus)
• 1 dog den attack
• 1 Crazy Peak den attack, +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Gale)
+ 1 Cow Elk (Zephyr, Mars, Twilight, Dawn, Squall), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Squall)
• 1 very brief coyote den attack
• Gale gets a +1 Major Jaw Injury fighting a grizzly off a carcass (54% health)
+1 Spike Elk, all pups get distracted by nearby dispersals while Stratus attacks, (Squall, Zephyr, Dusk, Dawn, and Stratus), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Stratus)

With only two pups lost, four are ready to leave the rendezvous site when the time comes. Meanwhile, a new pack, Swamp Lake, appears in Lost River, carving out their own territory in the north—it's Gust and his new mate, a Crazy Peak dispersal.
+1 Elk Calf (Zephyr, Squall, Nimbus and Stratus), +1 Minor Leg Injury (Stratus)
• 1 Coffee Pot skirmish won, +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Zephyr), +2 Minor Leg Injury (Squall, Twilight)
+1 Spike Elk (Gale, Squall, Mars, Twilight, 114F, 115F (first bite!), 116F, 121M, Nimbus and Stratus)
• 1 Crazy Peak skirmish won immediately afterwards, one Crazy Peak yearling killed, +1 Minor Leg Injury (Dawn)
• 1 Crazy Peak territory skirmish won, +1 Minor Leg Injury (Stratus, Nimbus)

After Stratus killed their breeding male early in the season, and they lost a pup more recently to Compass, Crazy Peak struggles to keep up with territorial pressures.
+1 Spike Elk, Gale, Zephyr, Dusk, 114F, 115F, 116F, Twilight, Dawn, 121M
• 1 Crazy Peak skirmish won, +1 Minor Leg Injury (Dusk)
+1 Cow Elk (Squall, Zephyr, Mars, 114F, 115F, 116F, Twilight, Dawn, 121M, Nimbus and Stratus)
• 5041M Sulfur comes to court, but nobody is interested
• 1 Crazy Peak skirmish won
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Mars, 114F, 115F, 116F, Dawn, and Stratus)
• 1 Crazy Peak skirmish won, Crazy Peak pup killed, +1 Minor Leg Injury (Squall)
+1 Bull Elk (Gale, Squall, Zephyr, Mars, Dusk, 114F, 115F, 116F, 121M, Nimbus and Stratus), +2 Minor Jaw Injuries (Stratus and Zephyr), +1 Minor Leg Injury (Mars)
• 1 Coffee Pot skirmish won, 1 Coffee Pot pup killed, +1 Minor Leg Injury (Nimbus, 53%)
• 1 Coffee Pot skirmish won, +2 Minor Leg Injuries (Stratus, Dawn)

Four pups live to earn their names: Sleet 114F, Storm 115F, Frost 116F, and Thunder 121M.



+1 Speed, -1 Stamina

White Cheeks Kk, L1, S11, nearly killed by Crazy Peak while sick



+2 Strength, -2 Stamina

Chocosnout Kk, L1, first to reach 100% XP, bit a spike during his first hunt!



-1 Strength, -2 Stamina, -1 Health

Black Original Coat Kk, Runt, easily distracted



+1 Strength, +1 Speed, -2 Stamina

830F Kk, grudge against dogs



+1 Strength, +1 Health, -2 Stamina

Blackfire Kk, torn right ear, last to reach 100 XP



+2 Strength, -2 Stamina

42F Cinderella Kk, S23, loved coffee mug!



=0 Stats

Chocosnout Kk, fluffy tail, first to reach 100 XP

Year 7

Pups of the Year


120F, 3 Months, Sick


122M, 1 Month, Killed by Crazy Peak



Sleet 114F bold/social/energetic

Storm 115F cautious/loner/energetic

Frost 116F cautious/social/lazy

Thunder 121M bold/loner/energetic


Gale 101F bold/social/energetic

Squall 108F cautious/loner/energetic

Zephyr 109F bold/social/energetic

Mars 110F cautious/social/lazy

Dusk 111F cautious/loner/energetic

Twilight 119M cautious/social/energetic

Dawn 120M bold/social/energetic

Crazy Peak has lost serious ground with the mounting pressure from all sides, and the emergence of Swamp Lake above them; they don’t have any pups this year, but the pack hangs on anyways. Meanwhile, the Compass pack thrives. +1 Cow Elk (Mars, Dusk, Thunder, Nimbus and Stratus), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Mars)
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Frost, Twilight, and Stratus)
• 1 Crazy Peak skirmish won, +1 Minor Leg Injury (Storm)
• The pack bullies a grizzly off a bison carcass
+1 Spike Elk (Zephyr, Mars, Nimbus and Stratus)
• 123M falls ill
• 122M is killed by Crazy Peak’s breeding female. Stratus didn’t take revenge for 118F’s murder, but enough is enough—he kills 122M's murderer.
+1 Spike Elk (Zephyr, Dawn, Thunder and Stratus)

• 123M recovers from his sickness!
+1 Newborn Mule Deer
+1 Cow Elk (Squall, Frost, Twilight, Dawn, Thunder, and Stratus)
+1 Newborn Elk Calf
+1 Newborn Mule Deer
+1 Newborn Moose Calf, +1 Minor Jaw Injury chasing mother moose (Twilight)
• 119F falls ill just as it becomes time to move to a rendezvous site
+1 Cow Elk (Squall, Zephyr, Mars, Dusk, Sleet, Twilight, and Stratus)
+1 Beaver, +1 Newborn Mule Deer (Mars and Stratus)
+1 Newborn Mule Deer (Stratus)
• 119F recovers from her sickness!
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Squall, Sleet, Twilight, Dawn, Thunder, and Stratus), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Gale)
+1 Newborn Elk Calf (Stratus)
During late summer, four Coffee Pot wolves attack the rendezvous site while Sleet, Mars and Stratus are pupsitting and the rest of the pack is off hunting.
+1 Spike Elk (Gale, Dusk, Storm, Dawn, Nimbus and Stratus)
• 1 dog den attack
• 120F succumbs to illness
+1 Spike Elk (Gale, Squall, Zephyr, Storm, Twilight, Nimbus and Stratus)
+1 Young Moose Calf (Thunder, Nimbus and Stratus)
+1 Spike Elk (Zephyr, Sleet, Twilight, Dawn, and Stratus), +1 Minor Leg Injury (Stratus)

Starving Season
• When a female Van Winkle dispersal comes to court Stratus’ sons, 119F and 123M get lost. When Stratus finds them and brings them back, the dispersal is gone.
+1 Beaver (Stratus)
+1 Cow Elk (Squall, Zephyr, Mars, Dusk, Sleet, Storm, Frost, Twilight, Dawn, Thunder and Stratus), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Stratus)
•1 Crazy Peak den attack, 121F came out of the grass and even helped chase them away!
+1 Spike Elk (Gale, Zephyr, Sleet, Twilight, Dawn, Nimbus and Stratus)
• Squall disperses alone, but sticks around the RVZ site to eat some regurgitant
+1 Cow Moose, Gale, Zephyr, Mars, Sleet, Storm, Twilight, Nimbus and Stratus, +1 Major Jaw Injury (Nimbus), +2 Minor Jaw Injuries (Nimbus, Zephyr)
+2 Minor Jaw Injuries chasing grizzly sow off moose carcass (Gale, Stratus)

• Dusk attacks a beaver unprovoked
+1 Spike Elk, 121F takes her first bite! (Mars, Dusk, Sleet, Storm, 121F, Twilight and Stratus)
• Dawn disperses alone
• 1 Crazy Peak territory skirmish won, +1 Minor Leg Injury (Dusk)
+1 Spike Elk (Gale, Mars, Sleet, Storm, 121F, Thunder, 123M, Nimbus and Stratus), Nimbus recklessly attacks after just healing her broken jaw, reaggravating the injury, +1 Major and Minor Jaw Injury (Nimbus, 29% Health)
• 1 Crazy Peak territory skirmish won, breeding male killed, +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Mars, Stratus)
• Thunder disperses, unlocking the Early Graduation achievement, as he’s only a yearling
+1 Elk Calf (Gale, Mars, Sleet, 119F, 121F, Twilight, 123M and Stratus)
• 1 Coffee Pot skirmish won, LATTE breeding female killed (Mars, Sleet and Stratus), +1 Minor Leg Injury (Twilight)
• After the death of their remaining leader, Crazy Peak dissolves, and 5461M—the wolf that killed one of the Compass pups a few years ago—comes by looking to court. He is rejected, but Mars disperses immediately afterward.
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Zephyr, Sleet, Storm, 119F, 121F, Nimbus and Stratus)

• 1 Coffee Pot skirmish won, which interrupted several Rogue dispersals having come to court. +3 Minor Leg Injuries (Gale, Dusk and Nimbus)
+1 Spike Elk (Gale, Zephyr, Dusk, Sleet, Frost, Twilight, 119F, 121F, 123M, Nimbus and Stratus), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Twilight)
• 1 Coffee Pot skirmish won, 1 Coffee Pot pup killed, +1 Minor Leg Injury (Frost), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Stratus)
• Dusk disperses
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Sleet, Frost, Twilight, 121F, 123M and Nimbus), 121F and 123M reach 100% XP
• 1 narrowly won Coffee Pot dispute, ended in 1 Coffee Pot pup dead, +2 Minor Leg Injuries (Sleet, Stratus)
• 1 Coffee Pot territory fight won, +1 Minor Leg Injury (Gale)
+1 Mule Doe (Gale, Twilight, 119F, 121F, 123M and Nimbus)
+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Sleet, Twilight, 119F, 121F, 123M, Nimbus and Stratus), +1 Minor Leg Injury (Stratus), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Sleet)

Three make it to the finish line: Mist 119F, Dustdevil 121F and Nebula 123M.

Year 8

Pups of the Year






Mist 119F cautious/social/energetic

Dustdevil 121F bold/social/energetic

Nebula 123M cautious/loner/energetic


Gale 101F bold/social/energetic

Zephyr 109F bold/social/energetic

Sleet 114F bold/social/energetic

Storm 115F cautious/loner/energetic

Frost 116F cautious/social/lazy

Twilight 119M cautious/social/energetic

Four puppies are born to the newly eight years old Nimbus and Stratus, between Lil’ Yellowstone and the Back Forty, at the stick hut den. Turning five and still with the pack, Gale’s coat rapidly whitens. +1 Cow Elk (Gale, Frost and Stratus)
• Three Crazy Peak dispersals are caught hunting on Compass territory, and are driven out.
• In the time since their last territorial dispute, the Coffee Pot pack has disbanded, and their breeding male joined Pear Lake.
+1 Cow Elk (Zephyr, Sleet, Storm, Frost, Twilight, Mist, Dustdevil and Nebula)
• 1 brief dog den attack
• The pack fails to chase a grizzly sow off a bison carcass, +2 Minor Jaw Injuries (Dustdevil and Stratus), +1 Minor Body Injury (Zephyr)
+1 Bull Elk (Zephyr, Storm, Frost, Twilight, Mist, Dustdevil, Nimbus and Stratus), 124M got lost chasing the hunt after it ran through the den, +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Mist and Nimbus), +1 Major Leg Injury (Dustdevil)
• 1 Pear Lake den attack takes place the night after the pack suffers injuries killing a bull elk
• A cougar quickly reevaluates its decision to stalk the pups
• A new pack has appeared in northern Lost River, Glacier Lake.
• Compass moves to a new den—the cabin in the Back Forty—to avoid fleas at 11/12lbs.
+1 Cow Elk (Zephyr, Sleet, Twilight and Nimbus)
• 123F falls sick
With Crazy Peak gone, Swamp Lake assumed their old territory and become neighbors to Compass. When the pack goes out to repel invaders, Stratus and Nimbus come face to face with Gust, Swamp Lake’s leader, and his yearling Sedge, whom looks exactly like Gale when she was young. Either because he recognized his parents or knew he was outnumbered, Gust and Sedge fled.

+1 Cow Elk (Gale, Sleet, Storm, Twilight, Nimbus and Stratus)
• 123F recovers from her siclness
• A new pack, L’Etoile, appears on the north east end of Lost River, around the cattle ranch.
• 1 Pear Lake den attack, +2 Minor Leg Injuries (Frost and Twilight), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Dustdevil)
+1 Newborn Mule Deer
• The pack rendezvouses closer to Lil’ Yellowstone, along the dirt road
+2 Young Moose Calf (Nebula, Nimbus and Stratus), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Stratus)
When the pack races to defend their territory from L’Etoile, they arrive to find Mars is their lead female!
+1 Cow Elk (Zephyr and Stratus)
• 1 bear den attack
+1 Young Moose Calf, +2 Minor Leg Injuries (Gale and Stratus), +1 Newborn Mule Deer (Stratus)
• 1 Swamp Lake den attack, Gust’s mate and a yearling show up and immediately retreat
+1 Spike Elk (Gale, Zephyr, Sleet, Storm, Frost, Mist, Twilight, Dustdevil, and Stratus), +1 Minor Jaw Injury (Mist), +1 Minor Body Injury (Zephyr)

Come late summer, Stratus' time has waned, and reached its end. He took only Nimbus with him when he went off to die, saying one final, private goodbye before he left her. Two of his pups are pack leaders in Lost River, and one more will join them—Gale, his first daughter, who would become the next leader of the Compass pack.



+1 Speed, -1 Health

Unlockable Blackfire, L1, S32, last to 100% XP, torn left ear



+1 Strength, +1 Speed, -2 Health

Cool Coats 831F, L1, tied first to 100% XP



+1 Strength, +1 Speed, -2 Stamina

Little T, L1, S24, tied first to 100% XP



+1 Strength, +1 Speed, -2 Stamina

Small Dot, tied first to 100% XP



+1 Strength, +1 Health, -2 Stamina

42F Cinderella, S52, L1, last to 100% XP



+1 Health, -1 Stamina

Chocosnout, L1, tied first to 100% XP